The CBS participant database follows the following guidelines:
- All data collected during registration in the participant database are stored on a server that is accessible only to CBS research staff. These data are used only for recruiting participants for empirical research at CBS.
- Data collected during studies are stored separately from the information in the participant database. The data are linked through code numbers which are stored in secure locations. The data will only be used for research purposes and may be shared with researchers outside CBS in anonymous form. Any study that you have signed up for through the database must inform you about the purpose and methods of the study and require informed consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time, and you can see, correct or have any information about yourself deleted at any time by contacting the person responsible for the study.
- All human-subjects documents containing personal information are stored in secure locations.
- You can unsubscribe from the database at any time, either through this website or by sending an e-mail with your name and e-mail address til Your data will then be deleted from the database. You will be automatically unsubscribed from the database if you have been inactive for a period of 3 years.
- The Department of Management, Society and Communication at Copenhagen Business School is responsible for this database. Please contact with any queries. If you wish to complain over the processing of your personal data in connection with this database, you can direct your complaint to: The Danish Data Protection Agency (Datatilsynet), Borgergade 28, 5., DK-1300 København K, Telephone: 33 19 32 00, Email: